All figures are complete
with original accessories
and filecards.
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1986 Cobra Android Trooper

Nothing neater than four interchangeable hand-attachments, a backpack to store them in, and a hologram for a chest.

MINT - $35

1982/83 Enemy Leader

He comes complete with his famous laser gun. This is the most famous bad guy in action figure history. The silver paint on his visor makes him very hard to find in mint condition.

'83 MINT - $60
'82 NM+ (w/ alternate logo) - $90

1985 Cobra Elite Trooper

One of Cobra's deadliest troops... Accessories are a red backpack and a black rifle. His silver paint highlights are very sensitive and therefore make him hard-to-find in mint condition.

MINT - $35

1985 Cobra Frogman

Accessories include: two flippers, a 2-piece backpack, a mouthpiece, and a harpoon gun. His mouthpiece is almost as hard-to-find as Firefly's walkie-talkie.

MINT - $30

1984 Cobra Saboteur

Firefly has the hardest-to-find accessory in all of history - the walkie talkie. Also included are his backpack (w/ cover) and his rifle.

NM+ - $70

1989 Cobra Night Trooper

In my opinion, this is one of the coolest figures ever made. Accessories include: backpack, visor, nightscope, and rifle.

MINT - $30

1982/83 Cobra Infantry

The silver paint used on the chest logos makes them very hard to find in mint condition. He comes with his AK-47 Assault Rifle.

currently unavailable
Mark in California is responsible for this kicka$$ piece of artwork.

1982/83 G. I. Joe Commando

The first version of the coolest joe comes with his uzi and demolition pack. The man is a total mystery.

'82 NM - $45

1985 G. I. Joe Commando

Definately one of my favorites... This is the 2nd version with his wolf Timber. Also included are his backpack, sword, and uzi.

MINT - $75

1989 G I Joe Commando

This is the third version of this figure and he comes with lots of cool accessories. Included are: a backpack, sword, 3-piece nunchuka, blowgun, and rifle.

MINT - $30

1985 Cobra Polar Assault

Snow Serpents are the Arctic Specialist branch of the Cobra EELS. Two snowshoes, a rifle, a backpack, a waistpouch, and a rocket laucher w/ bipod are included.

MINT - $25

1982/83 Cobra Infantry

This is the original Cobra 'The Enemy' figure with the red chest emblem. He comes with a Dragunov sniper rifle .

'83 NM+ - $30

1984 Cobra Ninja

Looking for one of the coolest action figures of all time? Look no further. Accessories include: Backpack, bow, short sword, long sword, and nunchukas.

MINT - $80

1986 Cobra Infantry

The backbone of Cobra, and my brother's favorite figure. His accessories include a black backpack and a gray rifle.

MINT - $35

1984 Master of Disguise

Zartan's skin changes color in the sunlight, as does the body of his Swamp Skier. Accessories include a swampskier, backpack, pistol, chest & leg pieces, and the extremely hard-to-find mask.

MINT (complete set) - $95
NM (no skier) - $45